Monday, January 30, 2012


Justified in her stance motivation appears worthy, encouraging one to overcome the odds. She has a tendency to draw out the best effort within her class, a sort of extra energy that is brought on to enhance the outcome of the product. One can find it readily in monetary incentive; others may find it in something more virtuous such as bravery or integrity encapsulating the spirit within. Whatever the reason, whatever shape it may hold the end which crystallizes the reason as to why we do things is the same: motivation.

Motivation has varying degrees of consistency often operating in a very simple fashion which can be easily understood by passive observers. Most would understand the motivation behind why Johnny finished his homework Thursday evening instead of letting it go to the weekend; for if it was not completed by Friday then he would not have been able to attend the weekend canoe trip with his friends, thus his guardians are instilling in him a sense of priority which should afford him a better work ethic. Yet there is another consistency which becomes less noticeable to the casual observer and indeed may appear more subtle. Angie failed to complete her homework by Friday thereby ruining her chances to go on the canoe trip that weekend. Seen as a form of negligence on Angie’s part by others, this in fact dismissed any opportunity for Johnny to see and spend time with a girl who has little to no interest in him and delays any un-welcomed free time till the following occasion arises outside of school. This break also affords Angie the opportunity to spend time with her favorite aunt on Saturday night who has recently taken special interest in Angie’s effort at learning to play the violin. So, we can see that on the surface sometimes the motivation to do or avoid certain circumstances in life can be simple or complex but no less meaningful.

Motivation can also be considered amoral and will compel people to do some things they would not normally do. Adding to this, there is potential for certain persons to exact a form of persuasion upon others by offering to them a choice between what seems to be the lesser of two evils. Thus, motivation becomes a diabolical tool used to coerce or manipulate others. Bribery and blackmail are very persuasive forms of enticing someone. Sadly, in most cases regarding these incidents there is either an agreement of questionable behavior by all parties or, as in the case of bribery, it would be much easier for them to just comply with the monetary incentives rather than suffer the less attractive alternative thereby degrading the moral integrity of that individual even more.

On the straight and narrow, motivation can be construed in a more optimistic light; it would be negligent not to mention the inspirational methods at which motivation can be applied. First place is captured by sheer motivation giving the forerunner a sense of accomplishment and a conceptual goal to achieve. Narrowing in on the drive, one can harness his full potential by tapping into a power within himself that cannot be registered on computers or monitoring devices offering only a sleek sense of elusiveness befuddling even the harshest critic in terms of a fluctuating scale that is subject to a history of development outshining their esteemed competitor to a level of mundanity. Motivation is the fuel that drives the will to power, a tour de force.

So often, motivation appears as a phantom in the light of humanity, something that is beheld as a shadow of the individual but never deemed likely a legitimate representation of him. This portrayal offers only a candid suggestion alluding to the metaphysical import of his might.

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